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Uses of Green Tea

Friday, July 10, 2009 Things 222
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Do you know, the people around the globe scouring the term Green Tea in Google for forty thousand times for each month? This obviously suggests that the green tea is the most favorable tea out of 3 sorts of tea viz, Green, Black and Oolong. Green tea is the often preferred tea by the world population due to its many advantageous effects.

Green tea can enthusiastically be equivalent with spinach, broccoli, carrots, or strawberries due to its anti-oxidant property. The major igredients include theanine, polyphenols, antioxidants, Tannin, catechin, minerals and vitamins. Green tea provides sweet stories for diabetic patient since it decreases the blood sugar, if it’s been taken 4-5 cups daily but without sugar.

The presence of Fluorine in the green tea is highly employed in stopping cavities in the teeth particularly in the faculty going kids. The antiviral property of the green tea is employed to govern helps among the human population also ( School of Tokyo, Book of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2003 ).

It’s also confirmed through a study that flavanoids present in this drink has a property of controlling the blood platelets in clotting process and thus it stops the frequency of coronary among the protracted tea drinkers. Not just the health benefits but also the green tea may be employed in chiller to driven out the bad smell spotted in the fridge. This can be accomplished by placing 2 or 3 used tea bags in the fridge overnite. The bad smell isn’t spotted in the chiller.

Green tea helps a lot for weight reduction by skyrocketing the level of fat oxidation and thermogenesis ( burning of fat to form heat ). Catechins in the green tea help to halt the movement of glucose into fat cells. This stops high insulin spikes and the successive fat storage.

As bottom line, green tea helps you with weight loss by suppressing your appetite, controlling your blood sugar, turbo-charging your metabolic rate and giving you something else besides that high calorie. It isn’t magic- Green tea definitely beef up your health and cut back your weight! Wishing you the best of health

so let`s have a 4-5cups of green tea dialy....

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