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Update Sitemap - Google - Webmaster Tools

Sunday, July 19, 2009 Things 222
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Updating a Sitemap

You must initially add your Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools using your Google Account. When your Sitemap changes, you can resubmit it to Google in one of two ways:

* Using Webmaster Tools
* Sending a HTTP request to Google

Resubmitting a Sitemap using Webmaster Tools

1. On the Webmaster Tools Home page, click the site you want.
2. Under Site configuration, click Sitemaps.
3. Select the Sitemap you want to resubmit, and then click Resubmit.

Resubmitting a Sitemap by sending Google an HTTP request

If you do this, you don't need to resubmit it using Webmaster Tools. The Submitted column will continue to show the last time you manually clicked the link, but the Last Downloaded column will be updated to show the last time our system has fetched your Sitemap.

To resubmit your Sitemap using an HTTP request:

1. Issue your request to the following URL:

For example, if your Sitemap is located at, your URL will become:

2. URL encode everything after the /ping?sitemap=:

3. Issue the HTTP request using wget, curl, or another mechanism of your choosing.

A successful request will return an HTTP 200 response code; if you receive a different response, you should resubmit your request. The HTTP 200 response code only indicates that Google has received your Sitemap, not that the Sitemap itself or the URLs contained in it were valid. To obtain status information about your Sitemap, resubmit it using Webmaster Tools account. We recommend that you resubmit a Sitemap no more than once per hour. An easy way to do this is to set up an automated job to generate and submit Sitemaps on a regular basis.

Note: If you are providing a Sitemap index file, you only need to issue a single HTTP request that includes the location of the Sitemap index file; you don't need to issue individual requests for each Sitemap listed in the index.

Source : Google

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